The 3rd Noka Cup

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The 3rd Noka Cup

Did you know that a mini FIFA World Cup was held here in Kanazawa?

The Noka Cup was here again finally after 4 years!

A total of 120 players, 20 nationalities from 8 teams including special guests from Alice Gakuen and First Gakuen also participated.

The tournament was league-based with 4 teams on each A and B block.

The 3rd place playoff was between Alice Gakuen and the Indonesia team resulting in Alice Gakuen taking 3rd place in the tournament.

The final match was between the International and China teams and ended with a 1-1 tie forcing the game to a penalty shoot-out. The international team won the 3rd Noka Cup by 1 goal difference at the final shoot-out.

All teams showed very good team play and sportsmanship during the tournament.

We also received a lot of positive feedback from each team saying they will continue practicing until the next tournament.

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ID : Nokabudongchan


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